- Kids
- 15 min
What you need:
Grip Coloured Pencils, Brush, Watercup
This little dragon has a special present for you! What might be in the box he is carrying? Bring this dragon to life by applying different colouring techniques. Chose the colour that you like the best. To make the best out of your drawing, use our water dissolving Colour Grip pencils.
Step 1
Start with adding red details
Step 2
Yellow colours bring the dragon to life and make a great contrast.
Step 3
By adding pink the dragon gets even more colourful
Step 4
Finally you can give the dragon his characteristical green colour
Step 5
Apply different shades of green to make the dragon look more realisitc
Step 6
Now you can colour the tiny present and draw the eyes of the dragon, so he can see.
Step 7
Now start contouring the dragon's long neck.
Step 8
Now you can intensify the colours the way you like it the most.
Step 9
Use a wet and smaller brush to dissolve the colours on the dragon's head.
Step 10
For the rest of its body a flat and bigger brush will do it just right.
Look how happy the dragon is to be finally in colour.