Sustainability reporting

Faber-Castell’s sustainability reporting consists of various elements, offering stakeholders information according to their interests and needs. 





  • Our Sustainability Insights 2023/24 provide a brief and clear overview of our key initiatives, projects and goals in sustainability.
Sustainability Insights 2023/24
  • Our Sustainability Details 2023/24 include all important metrics, data and interpretations in sustainability.
Sustainability Details 2023/24

The information in the current Sustainability Insights and Sustainability Details cover all production and affiliated distribution sites. The key indicators, data and consumption figures from the current Sustainability Insights relate to the 2023/24 fiscal year. Additionally, current projects and initiatives until the end of the fiscal year 2023/24 are presented.


Our sustainability reporting follows the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and considers the principles of the UN Global Compact. Furthermore, our projects and initiatives are linked to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 


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